Thursday, February 28, 2013

Board 53: Skyward Tower

This rather biblical picture is presumably of the Tower of Babel. It depicts a vast tower disappearing up into the clouds, surrounded on the ground by camels and mud bricks.

Level 1 (Clear 35 red pegs from 88 total - Pro target 650k)

The first design has five solid lines on the tower itself, with lines of separated round and diamond shaped pegs against the sky.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 308,330
  • Not a single catch made there. A poor start. I think I made the mistake of clearing the left-hand side first, then finding that all subsequent balls kept getting funnelled that way. I need to start on the other side, I think. And I need to make some catches, of course.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 656,580 
  • Certainly concentrating on the right-hand side first helped. It made for a more even clearance. I was still struggling for points a bit at the end, but I picked up a fortunate late bonus, then I managed to leave a final red peg that I could play off into the central 100k bucket. So as soon as I got to within 100k of the pro target, I took out the only blue peg that was blocking the shot, and then finished it.

Level 2 (Clear 30 red pegs from 91 total - Pro target 525k)

This design has solid lines up the sides of the tower, plus some other shorter lines over the columns on the ground. There are also lots of single round pegs, mainly over the circling cloud formations.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 436,580
  • My catching was a bit sloppy there. There were several shots I missed that I probably should have got. I could have finished it, but I was trying to build a pro score by using the purple pegs.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 197,670
  • I could tell from the word go that I had very little chance there. The reds were dreadfully positioned. There were no easy bonuses to be had anywhere, so I just couldn't get my score going at all.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 462,000
  • A better effort. Again, I was trying to build a pro score when I missed one catch too many. If I'd just made that last catch, I would have gone for a finish.

Attempt #4 - No power ups. Score: 377,890
  • I'm not really making any headway here. I'll use a laser ball.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball. Score: 534,650 
  • I got a bit lucky at the end. I had two red pegs left and still needed 100k for the pro target, and on my final ball. I thought I could play one of the pegs off the side wall and make the catch on the other side for 30k or so, so I played it. I got the 25k Exact Angle bonus, but misjudged the angle completely. The ball flew across the screen much higher than I anticipated, hit the other red peg, picking up a 25k Crazy Distance bonus, before bouncing straight back into the 50k bucket, thus giving me the 100k I needed for Pro. So not the most stylish finish I've ever had, but they all count.

Level 3 (Clear 30 red pegs from 96 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 550k)

This design has long curved sections, broken by the tower, as if encircling it.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 445,230
  • I was caught out by an unexpected finish there. I still had several balls left in hand and three red pegs, fairly widely spread. I played my final ball off the side wall onto the purple peg, thinking it might bounce across the screen and hit one of the remaining reds for a distance bonus. What it actually did was ricochet all over the screen, taking out all three remaining reds and dropping in the 50k bucket. But even the 100k bucket wouldn't have been enough.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 386,970
  • Only two catches was the main problem. Otherwise it was actually going quite well.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 618,560 
  • Plenty of catches this time. Some good ricochets and sweeping bonuses early on gave me a boost and cleared some space for me to have a decent chance at catches in the endgame.

Level 4 (Clear 35 red pegs from 104 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 525k)

This design is a slightly inclined arrangement of arches and broken lines based on the arches arranged all the way up the tower.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 421,380
  • Two reds left which I could have got if I'd had more points. I struggled for catches early on and that put the pressure on towards the end.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 564,580 
  • I got some more early catches this time which left me more balls to play with in the endgame, giving me the chance to go for some more ambitious shots. These shots gave me more points and that got me to the pro target, although I needed the 50k at the end.

Level 5 (Clear 35 red pegs from 114 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 500k)

This design is a repeating pattern of ornate V-shapes. There are a lot of pegs here, but there should be a good chance of taking out a lot of pegs with each ball, particularly the early ones.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 398,710
  • Only three catches made, but despite this, I think I only had three red pegs left at the end and was only 150k short of the target. I shouldn't have to find many more catches to finish this one.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 175,830
  • I only made a single catch that time, so nowhere near either the clearance or the pro target. It can only get better.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 214,950
  • Only one catch again. You'd think the laws of probability alone would get you more than one catch per game. I'll have one more go before I add a laser ball.

Attempt #4 - No power ups. Score: 191,740
  • No improvement. I took a few catches right at the end, but the game was already as good as over by then.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball. Score: 390,470
  • The laser ball helped, but it would have helped a lot more if I could have gotten to it without using up about four balls and half the pegs.

Attempt #6 - Laser Ball. Score: 652,060 
  • What a difference it makes when the yellow peg can be taken with the first ball. I had two or three lucky catches along the way, but thsn I finished with two or three balls left at the end, so I didn't necessarily need those catches, but I'm sure they helped.

Level 6 (Score 550k with 35 red pegs and 61 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 775k)

The same design as level 3, but with 5 more red pegs, and 225k on the pro target. A big score the only target here though.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 613,430
  • I reached the regular target easily enough, but couldn't get to the pro one. The yellow peg was buried away in the bottom right hand corner so I didn't get to it until there were hardly any pegs left. Indeed, it was the laser ball that got rid of the last red pegs, thus finishing the attempt. I still had several balls left, but I don't think I could have made enough points with them.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 720,120
  • Closer this time, although, again, the yellow peg was right down the bottom so I had to pretty much ignore it throughout most of the game. I managed to avoid taking out the last red peg with the laser ball when I eventually triggered it, but it went eventually leaving me just over 50k short.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 938,710 
  • I could get the yellow peg with the first ball, and that made all the difference.

Level 7 (Clear ALL pegs - 30 red and 58 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 675k)

The same design as level 1, but with 5 less red pegs, one less ball, 25k on the pro target, and all pegs now needed.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 777,310 
  • The yellow peg was readily available with the first ball, and I got a good rim bounce with the laser ball, one where it just pops the ball up nicely at about 45° so it lands back in the bucket again on the other side of the screen. A few useful ricochets later on, and I was just going through the motions.

Level 8 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 79 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 600k)

The same design as level 4, but with 10 fewer red pegs, 75k on the pro target, and a total clearance now needed.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 492,260
  • I missed too many catches there. I made some towards the end but it wasn't enough. I got the yellow peg with the first shot, but I didn't pick a very good angle for it. Only an 88% clearance.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 554,000
  • A much better effort. A 96% clearance. I could still have done with another ball or two in hand towards the end as I was hanging on to the last couple of balls for quite a few shots. A few more catches and I would have had it.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 864,380 
  • I got one or two extra early catches that I had been missing in the previous attempts. Plus I had a good run of catches in the mid-game which helped a lot too. It meant I had plenty of balls in hand in the endgame, allowing me to go for some more adventurous shots towards the end.

Level 9 (Clear ALL pegs - 30 red and 84 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 625k)

The same design as level 5, but with 5 fewer red pegs, 125k on the pro target, and all pegs now needed.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 417,320
  • Only an 89% clearance despite getting the yellow peg with the first ball. I was always struggling for catches, even towards the end. I'll add a Big Bounce.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 653,430
  • I didn't think I had any chance at all there. I activated the Big Bounce early when the screen was too full and the ball didn't have enough room to move around, so didn't score much. The laser ball did OK, but it still left me an awful lot of pegs to clear and an awful lot of points to score. But I chipped away at them, made enough points for the pro score, but just missed out by a single peg - and I only missed that by a whisker.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 538,800
  • Again, the yellow peg was awkwardly placed so I couldn't activate the laser peg as early as I wanted to. And, because, the Big Bounce was activated first, it got jammed in a corner and didn't score very much. I still had a chance, but I would have needed to make a helluva lot of catches.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 398,540
  • I did quite well with the laser ball, but the Big Bounce just found all the gaps and hardly scored anything. I was left with a lot of pegs still, and awkwardly placed ones at that. Not well suited for making catches at all.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 387,430
  • Not a very good attempt, that one. I couldn't get to the yellow peg and by the time I did I'd used up too many balls for too few points.

Attempt #6 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 657,540
  • Three pegs left. An easy yellow peg to start with, and an easy green peg to follow. I could have had a better rim bounce with the laser ball, but I just ran out of balls in the end. Close but not quite close enough.

Attempt #7 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 402,830
  • It took way too long to get to the yellow peg to trigger the laser ball. By the time I'd gone through both power ups I had too few pegs left and too many points still to score. I had to take on lots of very difficult shots to try and maximise my points and I inevitably missed too many catches and ran out of balls.

Attempt #8 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 737,810 
  • Finally got it at the 8th attempt. I managed to keep the catches going just long enough to get through all the pegs. I thought my chances were slim when it took about four or five balls to get through to the yellow peg. After both power ups had been used, I still had 33 pegs left and 370k still to score and just 6 balls to do it with. It seemed a tall order, but I managed it.

Level 10 (Clear ALL pegs - 35 red and 56 blue, with only 9 balls and a 3s shot-clock - Pro target 650k)

The same design as level 2, but with 5 more red pegs, one less ball, 125k on the pro target, a three second shot-clock, and a total clearance now required. That's a short shot-clock so some quick thinking may be required.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 803,540 
  • Not too difficult, this one. Certainly not when compared to the last one anyway. The angles here were much more conducive to making catches. I don't tend to be put off by shot-clocks, and I wasn't particularly here.



Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Board 100: World's Edge

This picture is of a small sailing ship about to tumble over the edge of a huge waterfall. This waterfall is, judging by the board's title, at the edge of a flat world where the water just boils off into space. Much like it does in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels.

Level 1 (Clear 25 red pegs from 96 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 425k)

This design features a big curve going around two-thirds of the moon, and more short curves marking where the water plunges over the edge. Also lots of single round pegs over the water itself.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 229,990
  • I made no catches at all which gave me no chance of success. I could have done with the red pegs being a bit more favourably placed.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 335,310
  • I made a few catches this time, and generally had a bit more luck. I still had difficulty getting enough points, though. I got to within 100k of the pro target and considered taking the final red peg, but I just wasn't hopeful of getting into the 100k bucket afterwards, so I tried to clear some other blue pegs first but it didn't come off.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 447,130
  • I actually made the pro target this time, but still had two red pegs left. My problem was that I was down to my last ball, and neither peg offered a good chance of a catch, so I was trying to clear some other blue pegs out of the way first when I missed a catch.

Attempt #4 - No power ups. Score: 287,670
  • I didn't do so well that time. The catches didn't come so easily and not did the bonuses. Four attempts is enough. I'll use a laser ball.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball. Score: 434,690
  • I was desperately unlucky not to get it that time. I had two balls left and the last red peg was hidden beneath several blue ones. The first of these two balls cleared most of these blue pegs, but failed to finish in the bucket despite hitting the rim three or four times. Then the next ball seemed like a simple catch of the last remaining blocking peg, but it hit the rim again, right in the bottom corner of the screen, then bounced across missing the final red peg by a whisker.

Attempt #6 - Laser Ball. Score: 458,450 
  • I got there eventually, although I can't help thinking that I made heavy weather of it. The pegs all seemed to be getting in each other's way making catches awkward. Let's hope I get better as the board goes on.

Level 2 (Clear 30 red pegs from 65 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 400k)

This design mainly features one line which follows the flat horizon which then curves suddenly into a vertical drop. Various single round pegs are above and to the right of this line, plus another line of 5 more single pegs mark the rest of the edge.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 299,390
  • I could've cleared the red pegs easily enough, but I was struggling to score enough points. I didn't feel like the luck went my way particularly though. I'll hopefully do a bit better next time.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 298,350
  • Another one where I didn't seem to get any luck, so much the same as the previous go.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 596,150 
  • I finally got a bit of good fortune at the third attempt. Two or three lucky catches, and a good ricochet or two, and I got a total clearance with more than enough points.

Level 3 (Clear 30 red pegs from 83 total, with only 8 balls - Pro target 425k)

This design shows a line zig-zagging diagonally down the screen like a set of steps, with a grid of single pegs beneath it.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 305,560
  • Another slightly tricky one. Not too far away though. I'll get better as I get used to the angles.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 375,370
  • A better score but still five red pegs left at the end. I need more catches or better ricochets.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 213,220
  • No catches at all that time. These layouts are a bit of a nightmare. Time for a laser ball.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball. Score: 588,830 
  • The laser ball made enough of a difference. I only scored just over 100k for it, but it cleared some space which made subsequent catches a little easier to take.

Level 4 (Clear 25 red pegs from 96 total, with only 8 balls - Pro target 400k)

This design is based on the doomed ship in the picture so it's mostly straight lines.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 692,970 
  • Undoubtedly the easiest layout yet, although I did ride my luck quite outrageously at times here. The straight lines gave plenty of opportunities for catches.

Level 5 (Clear 30 red pegs from 79 total, with only 8 balls - Pro target 450k)

This design is all loose pegs, but its main feature is the arrangement of nine teleports distributed evenly throughout the water, all connecting to a single receiver in the top right. This could be fiddly.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 181,810
  • Yes, I thought so. This layout's got nightmare written all over it. Points are tricky to come by, and catches are just impossible to judge. It's onw of those levels that needs very little skill and lots of luck.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 256,200
  • It might take a while just to find a decent path for the laser ball. All the standard ones are no good. The laser ball improved my score a bit, but I was still nowhere near clearing the reds.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 171,590
  • I wasted a couple of balls getting to the yellow peg, then I wasted the laser ball itself. Something of a non-starter really.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 257,470
  • Only three pegs left this time. No closer to the pro target though. The Big Bounce cleared quite a few pegs.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 246,890
  • Both power ups seemed quite wasted there. I still haven't found a really good path for the laser ball yet.

Attempt #6 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 618,480 
  • I got the luck I was looking for this time. I did well from the Big Bounce, but the main help was lots of fortunate catches. Indeed, I strung the game out to 20 shots and ended up making a total clearance.

Level 6 (Clear 35 red pegs from 96 total, with only 8 balls - Pro target 550k)

The same design as level 1, but with 10 more red pegs, one less ball, and 125k on the pro target.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 408,150
  • Not bad for a first try, only five pegs left at the end, and that was despite having to use about 6 or 7 balls to get through to the yellow peg. I did have to keep the last ball going for quite some time to get there.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 349,860
  • Only one red peg left that time, but far too few points for the pro target.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 592,580 
  • I couldn't get to the yellow peg easily, but I got an early split ball from the white peg which scored well, and then the Big Bounce also scored well, so by the time I'd activated the Laser Ball I had 200k in the bag already. I only got 45k from the laser ball, but it left me with only 10 red pegs to get with 6 balls. A few catches later and it was all over.

Level 7 (Clear 40 red pegs from 96 total, with only 7 balls - Pro target 575k)

The same design as level 4, but with 15 more red pegs, one less ball, and 175k on the pro target. This was the easiest of the designs first time through, but I think I'll still start with a laser ball.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 611,660 
  • I could trigger the laser ball with the first ball, then I got a decent rim bounce with it. This is quite a friendly layout anyway with plenty of easy catches available, so I found it quite a simple finish from that point on.

Level 8 (Clear 35 red pegs from 79 total, with only 6 balls - Pro target 550k)

The same design as level 5, but with 5 more red pegs, two less balls, and 100k on the pro target. Level 5 was pretty tough, and I've seen a number of comments online to indicate that this is the toughest level of the board.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 395,270
  • I found a decent route for the laser ball, although I don't think it's one I could easily replicate. I still didn't come particularly close to the pro target though, and I still had a couple of awkward red pegs left at the end. This is definitely going to need a big slice of luck.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 126,540
  • A dreadful effort. I kept managing to find gaps between the pegs. I'd barely got going when I ran out of balls.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 344,970
  • A better effort, but still over 200k short of the pro target.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 598,990 
  • Very pleased to get this one out of the way after only four attempts. I had an early ball that seemed to ricochet around the pegs for about five minutes, so that gave my score an early boost. I didn't do much with the laser ball, but the Big Bounce worked OK. I needed a bit of luck at the end as even the 50k bucket would have left me just short of the target, but I got the 100k through sheer good fortune.

Level 9 (Clear ALL pegs - red and 65 blue, with only 6 balls - Pro target 575k)

Attempt #1 - Big Bounce. Score: 152,950
  • I only made one catch which wasn't nearly enough. I tried just the Big Bounce, and it worked quite well, but the laser ball might have been better.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 675,530 
  • Again, quite pleased to get rid of this one quickly. Just two attempte needed. I nearly messed it up by forgetting that this was now an ALL pegs level. Luckily, when I took out the last red peg with my last ball, I was playing it so fine in an attempt to get into the 100k bucket, that I was worried I might miss entirely so I made the bucket was underneath just in case. I was momentarily startled when I hit the red and the game carried on, but luckily I'd caught the ball, and I only had two more blue pegs left. They were both high and near the side walls, so taking catches off them was not too hard.

Level 10 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 58 blue, with only 6 balls - Pro target 700k)

The same design as level 3, but with 5 less red pegs, two less balls, 275k on the pro target, and a total clearance now needed. That pro target looks awfully large. I haven't hit that score on any level on this board yet.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 212,150
  • I only got the green peg with the very last ball so I didn't get to use the Big Bounce. I didn't score very well with the laser ball either. I felt I had to go for some adventurous shots to get to this pro score, and they didn't tend to come off.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 440,010
  • Considering I didn't get to use the Big Bounce at all, and the laser ball was my very last shot, then this was actually not a bad effort, score-wise. It was only an 80% clearance mind you. I need to get luckier with the placement of the trigger pegs.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 833,180 
  • That was better. The green peg was right on top and the yellow peg was near the top. I got over 100k with my first shot without hitting either of them. I then activated the laser ball but only scored 35k with that. The Big Bounce immediately followed it and that scored 130k. That left me with 19 pegs to remove with 6 balls and 425k still to score, but I knew I had a good chance if I could catch well. I had a couple of useful ricochets, but mostly it was just good solid catching that got me to the finish line.



Thursday, February 21, 2013

Board 54: Ancient Gear Rapids

This picture is of a huge cog wheel, green with algae, lodged in the rocks of a raging river.

Level 1 (Clear 25 red pegs from 112 total - Pro target 525k)

The first design is based on the lines of the picture, mainly the broken curve of the cog wheel, lines showing the various levels of the waterfall and a scattering of round pegs over the trees, wheel spokes and lower rocks. The high loose pegs look like they might get in the way.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 376,310
  • With one red peg in the two high clusters of single pegs I really struggled for both bonuses and catches. All the blue pegs really got in the way.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 137,470
  • It seems a bit defeatist to be considering a power up so early in the board, but this level is proving decidedly tricky without any. This go was even worse than the last .

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 590,690 
  • I managed to get rid of all the red pegs bar one, and cleared the bottom corners of all pegs. I still needed a lot of points at that stage, but I could just keep firing the ball into the bucket until the purple peg was somewhere useful, then take the rebound into the bucket for 15k. The high clusters of blue pegs are very useful for this. It just takes a certain amount of patience. It doesn't make for a very interesting video though, I'm afraid.

Level 2 (Clear 30 red pegs from 91 total - Pro target 500k)

This design is three curved zigzags representing the teeth on three cog-wheels. Some awkward angles here by the look of it.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 267,240
  • I was running out of pegs to shoot at and my score wasn't increasing enough, so my shots were becoming more and more desperate and risky. Another one that might well need a laser ball, but not quite yet.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 600,470 
  • I got quite lucky with a couple of early catches, but early points were still extremely hard to come by. It took me seven shots to break 100k. The seventh shot was a big scorer, though, and after that I got most of the catches that I went for (and a few that I didn't), and I went to make a total clearance with three balls to spare.

Level 3 (Clear 35 red pegs from 96 total - Pro target 700k)

This design is modelled on the pattern that adorns the rim of the wheel in the picture. The pegs are mostly contained within two parallel horizontal lines.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 484,270
  • Points were easier to get here. Good job as the pro score is quite high. I didn't make many catches though, which is what caused me to fail.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 798,960 
  • It's another dull video! Once I got down to my last ball, with quite a few red pegs still to get and a long way short on score, I felt the only way to get there was to wait for the purple peg to appear in the right place, and try not to attempt anything too difficult. It stretched the game out to 48 shots, but it got me there. Not a very interesting video to watch, though. Unless you want to see an exercise in sheer bloody-mindedness.

Level 4 (Clear 35 red pegs from 89 total - Pro target 575k)

This design looks a bit like water swirling down a plug hole. The spokes of the plug hole match the spokes on the cog-wheel.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 207,710
  • Not a particularly good first attempt. Only a couple of red pegs left at the end, but very short score-wise. There must be a good angle somewhere for the first ball to get a decent sweep, but I didn't fine it there.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 488,100
  • I should have had that one. I missed a near vertical glance down the middle on the penultimate red peg with another to follow on the last one. Clumsy. The red pegs were much more kindly arranged this time which helped me get some early bonuses.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 691,140 
  • I got it this time. It was just a matter of picking off most of the pegs one at a time. I took 32 shots in total, but there was very little, if any, shooting straight into the bucket. I took a total clearance in the end, and I probably needed to to get the pro target.

Level 5 (Clear 35 red pegs from 94 total - Pro target 500k)

The final design is very angular with a large central square with various other straight lines arranged around it, plus some other lines made up of single round pegs.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 426,360
  • I struggled for catches here. I had at least a dozen red pegs left at the end. Score-wise I was doing fine. It's worth another try without power ups, I think.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 449,270
  • Oh, what an idiot! I did all the hard work. I had one red peg left, on my last ball, and 50k needed for the pro target. The peg was vertical and just off-centre so I thought I could glance off it into the 100k bucket. I played it too fine, missing the peg altogether, and got my timing with the bucket wrong as well, just hitting the rim and not making the catch. All I needed to do was miss the 10k buckets. Daft!

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 691,490 
  • A good selection of early bonuses and ricochets got me quite close to victory quite quickly. I was soon at the point of needing just one red peg per ball and it was plain sailing from there.

Level 6 (Clear 45 red pegs from 96 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 575k)

The same design as level 3, but with 10 more red pegs, one less ball, and, rather bizarrely, 125k less on the pro target. This actually sounds easier than it was last time.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 838,100 
  • There were plenty of early bonuses available in terms of distance bonuses and side-wall shots. I took a few early lucky catches which always makes life a bit easier. But all in all, quite an easy level, and probably easier than the last time we saw this layout, back in level 3. The pro target really took some getting then, this one is much easier.

Level 7 (Score 450k with 45 red pegs and 49 blue - Pro target 675k)

The same design as level 5, but with 10 more red pegs, and 175k on the pro target. The extra points on the pro target should come easily enough from the extra red pegs. None of these layouts have seemed particularly difficult, and providing the full 10 balls for this one should make it quite gettable.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 667,880
  • A pretty good attempt, considering I was using no power ups. Very close to the pro target, and a 96% clearance. I still had three red pegs left, but they were all clustered together.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 888,750 
  • The bonuses came easily enough, and every time I play each of these layouts, I get more accustomed to the angles and therefore make more catches. I didn't quite get a total clearance here, leaving one blue peg behind, but the score was the only important thing and I got that without much difficulty.

Level 8 (Clear 40 red pegs from 89 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 700k)

The same design as level 4, but with 5 more red pegs, one less ball, and 125k on the pro target.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 233,890
  • A lousy effort where nothing seemed to go my way. No nice big sweeps, no distance bonuses, no luck at all really.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 666,300
  • Pretty close that time. I only had one red peg left, and I'd only had one red peg left for some time. I was gradually picking off the purple pegs to build to a pro score. I wasn't confident about getting a big final bucket score off the last red peg so I felt I had to push the score quite close to 700k before I could go for a finish. I guess I just pushed it one shot too far.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 715,670 
  • Got it at the third attempt. Only a slight improvement on the last go, but that was all I needed. I never got down to my last ball until I knew I had a certain finish and that always helps to give you a certain security and a bit of extra confidence. I made a lot of catches, but then all these layouts seem to be quite friendly from that perspective.

Level 9 (Clear 40 red pegs from 91 total, with only 7 balls - Pro target 575k)

The same design as level 2, but with 10 more red pegs, three less balls, and 75k on the pro target. Points on level 2 weren't particularly easy to come by, but I did get 600k on my second attempt, so a pro target of 575k shouldn't be anything to be scared of.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 436,640
  • It didn't feel like a bad attempt, although I still had 9 red pegs left at the end. This may need a power up eventually, but I'm not there yet.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 298,910
  • I got no luck that time. Hardly any of the catches I attempted worked. All you can do at the start is try and put the bucket in the most likely position that you think the ball is going to end up and hope to make some of them. Usually you do, and sometimes you make most of them. This time I made very few but that's the way it goes sometimes. With only 7 balls to start with, early catches are vital here.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 308,300
  • I'm not making much headway, it has to be said. I had eight red pegs left that time. I think I might have a better idea about where to place the bucket to make the first couple of catches now, though. So that may help if it works.

Attempt #4 - No power ups. Score: 581,280 
  • Well, despite trying to work out the timing in the previous attempt to make catches off the first two balls, I missed both of them. However, it didn't matter in the long run as I made plenty of catches later on in the game. I did get to a point in the endgame when I had to discard quite a few balls while waiting for a useful purple peg, but it was worth it in the end. I had one tricky shot near the end, when I was down to my final ball and I had to clear an awkward blue peg that was blocking my intended final shot into the 100k bucket, which I was going to need. I had to get the timing just right. But once I'd caught that one, I took one more purple peg to get me within 100k of the pro target, then took the final red peg for an easy 100k final bucket bonus.

Level 10 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 87 blue - Pro target 625k)

The same design as level 1, the only differences being an extra 100k on the pro target, and a total clearance now being required. To beat level 1 I had to be very patient - clearing the bottom corners, then clearing the top corners one peg at a time to build a big enough score. I'm not sure if that will be enough this time, but I've not used any power ups on this board yet, and it would be a shame to have to use any now.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 365,130
  • Only a 72% clearance, so nowhere near. The catches really didn't seem to go my way at all.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 367,950
  • The clearance was up to 86% that time, so an improvement, but the score was about the same, so I'd found less bonuses on the way. I think it deserves another couple of goes at least without power ups, if only to be able to say that I've completed a board without using any power ups at all.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 403,790
  • 83% clearance and a slight improvement in the score.

Attempt #4 - No power ups. Score: 292,320
  • A dreadful attempt. Only about a 74% clearance. I could be all night trying to do this without power ups. I'll use a laser ball.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball. Score: 700,160
  • No problem with the score, using a laser ball. The clearance is up to 94% so much closer.

Attempt #6 - Laser Ball. Score: 609,850
  • A 92% clearance. I should probably add a Big Bounce to finish this one off.

Attempt #7 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 989,640 
  • I got it that time, despite the Big Bounce getting stuck in the corner and scoring very little. But at least it finished in the bucket. After that there was a fairly steady stream of extra balls, bonuses and ricochets. I had to make a lot of catches.



Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Board 99: Little Bear Cottage

This picture is the interior of the three bears cottage from the Goldilocks fairy story. The bowls of porridge are on the table, the chairs are around it, and the beds can be seen in the background.

Level 1 (Clear 30 red pegs from 75 total - Pro target 400k)

The first design follows lines from the picture. Mainly those of the chairs and table. Only 75 pegs in total which doesn't seem very many.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 520,780 
  • A nice easy starter to the board. Lots of horizontal and vertical surfaces available for easy to judge deflections, not many blue pegs to get in the way, and a low pro target. Not a level that's going to hold many people up, I suspect.

Level 2 (Clear 30 red pegs from 89 total - Pro target 525k)

This design shows three bowls of ascending size. Another level that looks fairly friendly at first glance.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 684,680 
  • I found this even easier than the last one, but then I did get some excellent ricochets and bonuses with the first couple of balls. Because of these, I got to the pro target very quickly and could concentrate on taking out the remaining red pegs.

Level 3 (Clear 25 red pegs from 103 total - Pro target 475k)

This design is of a teddy bear's face, so mostly made up of curves.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 337,850
  • This was harder than it looked. I found the facial features difficult to break into. Or maybe I just left it too late before I tried.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 325,510
  • I only had two red pegs left this time, but otherwise not a massive improvement. A laser ball should do the trick.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 546,710 
  • The laser ball made just enough difference. I had a nervous moment at the end when I realised that I wasn't going to be able to take out both the last two reds with my last ball. I tried, failed, and then performed quite a juggling act with the bucket before catching it. Phew!

Level 4 (Clear 25 red pegs from 110 total - Pro target 450k)

This is a lattice design, a bit like the lattice on the window shutter in the picture.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 184,220
  • This one is not as easy as I thought it might be. The vertical lines at the sides are too close to the side wall to made dropping the ball behind them very easy, and bonuses seem quite hard to come by. I'll have another go before I reach for the laser ball, though.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 187,810
  • Again, nowhere near the pro target as the bonuses just wouldn't come. I made a couple more catches this time, but otherwise no real improvement. Even with a laser ball this might be tricky.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 323,240
  • A better score with the laser ball, but still several red pegs left and 125k or so short of the target.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball. Score: 647,580 
  • I got a similar number of catches that time, but a lot more luck in terms of bonuses collected. It made all the difference.

Level 5 (Clear 30 red pegs from 117 total - Pro target 500k)

This design is another set of three. Paw prints this time. So it's all circles big and small.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 258,960
  • All these circles are very difficult to break into. I'll need a laser ball I think.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 545,750 
  • The laser ball probably made the difference there. It took quite a few balls to get to the yellow peg, although I managed to catch quite a few of them. I thought I'd taken out too many pegs to get enough points from the laser ball to keep the pro target in sight. But by shooting it high and right I got just enough red pegs and points. I still had more work to do afterwards, but I got there.

Level 6 (Clear 45 red pegs from 89 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 675k)

The same design as level 2, but with 15 more reds, one less ball, and 150k on the pro target.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 989,730 
  • I found this layout quite straightforward again, even without any power ups. There were plenty of bonuses to be had, and the angles were generally quite easy to read. I kept going for a total clearance.

Level 7 (Clear 40 red pegs from 110 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 725k)

The same design as level 4, but with 15 more reds, one less ball, and 275k on the pro target. This was probably the toughest of the designs first time round, and this one has a big hike on the pro target. I'll try with just a laser ball to start, but I may need add another power up to get through this one.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 651,070
  • I managed to clear all the red pegs, but I was still 75k short of the target. And I was lucky to clear the red pegs, quite frankly. I'll have one more go.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 505,060
  • Further away this time so I think I'll add another power up.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 839,610 
  • It took several balls to get to the yellow trigger peg for the laser ball, but I picked a decent line for it. I also got rid of a lot of pegs with the Big Bounce. I didn't score much from it, but it cleared enough space to make further bonuses much easier to pick up.

Level 8 (Clear ALL pegs - 30 red and 45 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 675k)

The same design as level 1, but with one less ball and another 275k on the pro target. All pegs are now required.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 385,480
  • Only an 81% clearance. Level 1 was quite easy so I thought it was worth a try without power ups, but I think the total clearance is a bit unlikely that way, so I'll add a laser ball.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 600,850
  • A very close attempt. Only one peg left at the end, and I may have been able to get a decent final bucket from it as it was low and central. I didn't get enough points early on, so I was really struggling for points later on. As it was, the last dozen or so pegs, I had to take off the side wall first for the added bonus which made the catches quite tricky. I got quite a lot of them to get as far as I did, but then I missed the very last one.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 696,250 
  • I had a straightforward shot off the side wall onto the yellow peg with ball 1, followed by a reasonable rim bounce with the laser ball, so that got me off toa decent start. I thought I might be struggling a little for points at the end, but I managed to leave a final peg that gave a very easy drop into the 100k bucket.

Level 9 (Score 450k with 30 red pegs and 73 blue, with only 8 balls - Pro target 725k)

The same design as level 3, but with 5 more red pegs, two less balls and 250k on the pro target. Points were tricky to come by on level 3, so this pro target sounds like a big ask.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 741,530 
  • It took a few balls to get through to the yellow peg, but I scored quite well with those balls, so it wasn't a major problem. Not having to worry about clearing the red pegs was helpful towards the end, because I knew I could score 25k a shot just by playing wall first onto any red or purple peg. So as soon as I got to 625k with 4 balls left, I was quite confident I had it in the bag. I thought about going for the clearance but it would have been a risk that I didn't need to take.

Level 10 (Clear 35 red pegs from 117 total, with only 7 balls - Pro target 650k)

The same design as level 5, but with 5 more red pegs, three less balls, and 150k on the pro target.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 446,390
  • The lack of balls is definitely a problem on a layout where catches are hard to come by. Only a 70% clearance and there were quite a few red pegs left among the blue ones.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 358,400
  • I got more of the red pegs, but less points. The yellow peg was awkward to get to, and I took out the green peg too early. The Big Bounce was therefore not very effective, and the Laser Ball left too may pegs behind. I need to get a bit of luck whereby the yellow peg can be got to with the first ball.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 701,030 
  • I could get the yellow peg straight away, take out a good number of pegs with the laser ball, then got good results from the Big Bounce. I did find it qute awkward towards the end with a lot of high blue pegs blocking a lot of shots, and I had to take a few chances to get rid of some of them. Thankfully they came off. I still needed to avoid the 10k buckets at the end, but I got the 100k one so that was OK.



Sunday, February 17, 2013

Board 55: Seaside Fortress

This picture is of a castle fortress sitting high on a rocky promontory overlooking the sea. A horseman rides across the narrow bridge that connects it to the mainland.

Level 1 (Clear 30 red pegs from 88 total - Pro target 525k)

This design mimics a castle wall with vertical sides, a crennelated top and a regular pattern of single pegs inside.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 568,570 
  • Points were quite hard to come by, and I had to do quite a lot of shooting straight into the bucket while I waited for the purple peg to appear somewhere useful. I had to play a lot of single peg deflections into the bucket, but at least this layout is quite conducive for that. I had to take the final red off the side wall at the end which was a dangerous moment. There was a purple peg right above it which I needed to miss.

Level 2 (Clear 30 red pegs from 89 total - Pro target 500k)

This design is of a bridge with a flat top and a curved underside.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 497,730
  • I had two red pegs left at the end and just one ball. I tried to take out the one I thought I had the best chance of a catch off, but I misjudged it. I very nearly hit the other red peg off it, but missed that too.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 730,640 
  • No problems this time. I felt pretty much under control all the way through. I ended up taking the total clearance even though I didn't need to. Although I realised when I got down to the last ball that I'd taken something of an unnecessary risk by doing so, as the final ball could easily have gone wrong. But it all turned out OK.

Level 3 (Clear 30 red pegs from 109 total - Pro target 500k)

This design generally follows the major lines in the picture. There are vertical lines where the castle turrets are, sloping lines following the edges of the bridge, plus a few others.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 238,950
  • As is often the case on these designs which follow the lines in the picture, catches were difficult to judge amidst the jumble of different angles and surfaces. I only made one catch, I think, which just isn't enough. I'll use a laser ball.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 627,630 
  • I didn't get through to the yellow peg for two or three balls, but it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. I got a reasonable score with the laser ball, and I made quite a few catches. That meant I always had plenty of balls in hand which allowed me to build a score off the purple pegs without worrying about running out.

Level 4 (Clear 30 red pegs from 127 total - Pro target 525k)

This design mimics three of the tower tops with their pointed roofs.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 287,400
  • With no red pegs on the sloping lines nearest the side walls, my opportunities for early bonus were severely limited. Early catches were tricky as well, mainly because of the vetical lines of diamond-shaped pegs which are extremely unpredictable. To hell with it, I'll use a laser ball.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 912,770 
  • This must be one of my highest ever scoring laser balls. I triggered it with the first ball, then shot it perfectly, getting a beautiful rim bounce that popped up to a decent height, flew across the screen to land back in the bucket. As luck would have it, it had hit the white peg on the way which gave a triple bucket bonus. That gave me 101k tripled up to 305k plus 195k in skill bonuses making a smidgen over 500k all told. I could forget about scoring points after that amd concentrate on clearing the red pegs with the balls I had left. I had balls to spare at the end so I took the total clearance.

Level 5 (Clear 25 red pegs from 90 total - Pro target 525k)

This design shows three swords similar to the one being held by the statue in the foreground, plus a few single round pegs.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 248,290
  • Similar to the first attempt at the previous level, I had no real opportunities for early bonuses and catches were tricky to judge. I'll go with the laser ball again.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 395,030
  • I didn't pick a very good path for the laser ball. It took out the whole left-hand sword, but failed to touch either of the other two. It didn't score me enough points and I wasn't able to make up the shortfall with later bonuses.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 643,040 
  • I took a more standard path with the laser ball this time, and it gave a better result, taking a chunk out of each sword. Also, due to the fortunate positioning of the red pegs, it took out nearly all of them as well. I had more than enough balls left to cope with those red pegs that remained, so I could concentrate for a bit on boosting my score up to pro levels.

Level 6 (Clear 40 red pegs from 109 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 600k)

The same design as level 3, but with 10 more red pegs, one less ball, and 100k more on the pro target.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 730,390 
  • It took two or three attempts to get to the yellow peg, although I did catch most of them, but by then most of the right hand side was clear, so I concentrated the laser ball on the opposite side. I got a reasonable rim bounce even so, but didn't score as much with it as I would have liked. I seemed to still have quite a few red pegs left afterwards, but it didn't turn out to be problem.

Level 7 (Score 450k with 30 red pegs and 58 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 650k)

The same design as level 1, but with one less ball and another 125k on the pro target. The pegs are not important this time, just the score.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 481,030
  • I think the pro target might be a step too far without power ups. I had to do a lot of shooting straight into the bucket again here. A laser ball should do the trick.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 566,450
  • The yellow peg was very buried and it took too many balls to get to it, and it got rid of too many pegs for too little a score. I tried to get the most out of what was left but the catches were tricky and I missed too many of them.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 617,520
  • I had loads of blue pegs and plenty of balls to pick up points from them, but the last red peg got taken out off a ricochet too early. Disappointing.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball. Score: 704,290 
  • I seemed to get a better grip on the angles with each attempt. This time, despite not getting the best of scores with the laser ball, I managed to make enough catches to make the pro target. Once the pro target was guaranteed, I took out the last two red pegs to finish it.

Level 8 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 102 blue - Pro target 600k)

The same design as level 4, but with 5 less red pegs, and a measly 75k on the pro target. A total clearance is now required, though, so having less red pegs makes it harder to reach the pro target as bonuses are less forthcoming.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 556,350
  • 91% clearance which equates to 11 pegs left. The score was on target, but the the yellow peg was awkward to get to at the start, I didn't get a particularly good rim bounce with the laser ball, and I generally felt that luck didn't really go my way. I can do better than that.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 491,240
  • I started well enough, getting an easy yellow peg to start with and then a reasonable rim bounce with the laser ball, but I think I started picking off single pegs too early when I should have gone for a few ricochets to cut down the number of pegs. Only an 86% clearance.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 900,280 
  • A big improvement. I could take the yellow peg easily with the first ball, then I got a much better rim bounce with the laser ball. I went for a few ricochet shots early on which took out a few extra pegs, just picking off single ones when a good opportunity presented itself. I finished with at least half a dozen balls in hand, and well above the pro target.

Level 9 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 65 blue - Pro target 525k)

The same in all respects as level 5, but all pegs need clearing, not just the red ones.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 827,770 
  • This level is considerably easier than the previous level. There are less pegs to clear, the pro target is lower and the angles are easier to get catches from. Admittedly I got some pretty fortunate ricochets and catches in the endgame, but most of the work had already been done by then.

Level 10 (Clear 30 red pegs from 89 total, with only 5 balls and a 5s shot-clock - Pro target 650k)

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 951,620 
  • This turned out to be really quite easy. I generally find that a shot-clock of five seconds or more is not to be feared. Unless, of course, the screen features some sort of slow-moving obstacle. A standard bucket will move back and forth in under 5 seconds so there is still time to wait for the bucket to be in the right place before making your shot. You have to make up your mind about the shot you want to play pretty quickly, but I tend to do that anyway. I got lucky early on here with some early catches, and an excellent rim bounce with the laser ball. The Big Bounce came at the perfect time, as well, and took out a lot of pegs. I ended up taking a comfortable total clearance with more than enough points for the pro score.

