Monday, October 22, 2012

Board 82: Mystic Locomotive

The picture is of a steam train flying through the clouds.

Level 1 (Clear 25 red pegs from 72 total - Pro target 500k)

This design features a number of concentric circles - two solid ones made of curved pegs, and two others made of inidividual round pegs, interspersed with teleport portals. These portals all link to a single target in the centre near the top. Clearly if I can find a way of breaking into the main circle without breaking it, then there could be a big sweep bonus available.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 681,620 
  • I concentrated on the left hand side until I had a hole big enough to get into the main circle and managed to get a decent sized sweep bonus. Then I just picked off what was left as best I could. I got a total clearance, so not too difficult a layout.

    Returning for the video, I found it even easier. I took another total clearance for the bigger score of 772,850 with half a dozen or more balls to spare.

Level 2 (Clear 25 red pegs from 102 total - Pro target 450k)

A design based around the cow-catcher grill on the front of the engine. Lots of straight lines which could be good for catches, although the bottom diagonal might mean I'll lose quite a few balls in the middle where catches are harder.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 572,250 
  • Because of the enclosed nature of the top, the first few balls took out quite a few pegs each, which helped clear the way for the later ones. Catches, on the whole, were not too tricky to engineer, so another fairly straightforward design.

    It took a couple more goes to repeat the pro score for the video. The first time, I cleared the last red peg by accident, leaving myself short of points. The second time, I managed to score enough - 530,630.

Level 3 (Clear 35 red pegs from 75 total - Pro target 450k)

I'm not sure what aspect of the picture this is supposed to represent, but we have three parallell lines which are level at each end, and sloping in the centre, then some loose pegs at the bottom. It's quite reminiscent of level 3 of Mill Valley only a few boards ago.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 626,670 
  • I was in trouble towards the end with only one ball left and still six pegs remaining. But the pegs were close together, so I fired a ball in the middle of them in the hope that I could catch it, and it took out five of the six and earned an extra ball. I was already over the pro target anyway, so that effectively won me the level. That's three goes and three pro scores so far - a pretty good start.

    No such problems when I came back for the video. A comfortable total clearance with balls to spare for a score of 688,260.

Level 4 (Clear 30 red pegs from 109 total - Pro target 400k)

A design based on the picture with pegs for the moon, the train, the clouds and the headlight beams. The pro score is quite low which implies that bonuses might be harder to earn.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 501,890 
  • This one seemed a little tougher than the previous levels, and I thought I was going to run out of balls before I'd taken all the red pegs, but a couple a good shots and a couple of lucky deflections got me home. And that's 4 pro targets out of 4 this morning.

    A bit more of a struggle second time around - it took three more attempts to get the video. When I did get it, it was due to a sudden burst of bonuses in a couple of shots towards the end.

Level 5 (Clear 25 red pegs from 114 total - Pro target 475k)

a big cross like an old-fashioned railway crossing sign. Doesn't look too hard, but we shall see.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 435,680
  • I could have completed this, but I was holding off taking the last peg, trying to build a pro score. Not far off, although I rode my luck at times.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 486,730 
  • I managed to hand on long enough at the end that time to build a pro score. I didn't think I was going to be anywhere near it at one stage, but a couple of fortuitous late bonuses put me close enough to make it worthwhile trying for it. Catches are tricky to engineer early on, but they get easier towards the end.

    Coming back for the video, I got it again first time, but it was touch and go. I needed a total clearance.

Level 6 (Clear 35 red pegs from 102 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 550k)

The same design as level 2. I had no great problems with it last time, so I'll try it without power ups, at least to start with.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 302,600
  • Still had four red pegs left at the end. But the catches could have gone better, so it's worth another try.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 259,180
  • Eight pegs left that time. These attempts are getting worse. I'll have one more go before I take a power up.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 271,440
  • Five left that time. Time for the laser ball, I think.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball. Score: 797,200 
  • Quite easy with the laser ball. I could have finished some time before I did with balls in hand, but I went for a big score instead.

    It took me two more attempts with the laser ball to get it again for the video. I finished a little prematurely on the second attempt, but I had enough balls in hand at the end to push my score over the pro target.

Level 7 (Clear 40 red pegs from 109 total, with only 8 balls - Pro target 675k)

The same design as level 4, but with more red pegs, less balls and a considerably higher pro target. This seemed quite tough before, so I'll jump straight in with the laser ball.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 423,240
  • Too many clumsy shots in that effort. 17 shots means the catches weren't bad, but too many badly judged angles was the main problem.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 337,200
  • That one was much worse. Only 11 shots that time.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 512,490
  • That was better, and I could have finished, but tried to earn some more points at the end and missed a catch due to an unexpected deflection.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 538,070
  • I tried adding a trampoline which worked OK. My best score yet, and only 4 pegs left at the end. I felt I needed the total clearance to get to the pro target so that's what I was attempting. I was nearly there, but missed a catch too many.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 605,540
  • Similar to the previous attempt. I was going for the total clearance but ran out of balls before I could quite finish. Again, I only had a handful of pegs left - 95% clearance.

Attempt #6 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 783,170 
  • Got it that time. Didn't think I was going to as it took ages to get through to the trigger peg for the laser. I got lucky with it, though, as a lucky deflection off the rim managed to take out a lot more pegs than I was expecting. I was aiming at a total clearance again, but I didn't need it in the end and left a couple of blue pegs.

    Two more attempts were needed to get it again for the video. The last shot was intended as a catch off the purple peg to gain the extra points I still needed, but it took out the last red by mistake. I earned a few bonuses though - enough for pro anyway, so it didn't matter.

Level 8 (Score 450k with 40 red pegs and 35 blue, with only 8 balls - Pro target 675k)

The same design as level 3. I think I'll try it without power ups first as it wasn't that hard a level last time.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 247,360
  • Terrible effort. Maybe I'll use the laser ball after all.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 711,940 
  • Got it with the laser ball. I caught a couple of good rim deflections with the laser ball, so it earned a lot of points. I missed the total clearance by a single peg, but by then it didn't matter as I'd already surpassed the pro target.

    Coming back for the video, a total clearance at the first attempt was enough.

Level 9 (Clear ALL pegs - 30 red and 42 blue - Pro target 650k)

The same design as level 1. Last time I got a total clearance even though I didn't need one, so I'll try it without any power ups to start with.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 824,560 
  • I actually got the total clearance easier that time than I got on level 1. I had four or five balls in hand at the end. Certainly one of the most straightforward level 9s that I can remember.

    And another comfortable total clearance with the next attempt for the video. The score wasn't quite as good, only 719,620, but it was enough.

Level 10 (Clear ALL pegs - 30 red and 84 blue - Pro target 650k)

The same design as level 5. It took a couple of attempts last time, so I'll start with a laser ball.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 746,170 
  • Got it on the first attempt without too much difficulty. I needed the laser ball, I think though. And that's the Ace as well, as, unusually, I managed to hit the pro target for every level as I went through.

    It took two more attempts to get the video for this one. I was struggling for points, but I started picking the pegs off one at a time quite early on. I stretched the game out to 54 shots, but I just about got to the end without running out of balls.



Board 67: Honeycomb Cave

This picture is of the inside of a cave, apparently made of honeycomb. There are some vine-like plants and three bees flying around. I do remember that the final level of this board gave me quite a few problems.

Level 1 (Clear 25 red pegs from 100 total - Pro target 450k)

A bunch of interlocking, partial hexagons. Controlled catches might be tricky, particularly early on, although once the pegs start to thin out it may get easier.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 568,630 
  • This didn't look at all promising early on, but I came good with some big bonuses towards the end.

    Coming back to do the video, I cleared the red pegs easily enough, and had a few balls in hand to boost my score up to the pro target and a little beyond.

Level 2 (Clear 25 red pegs from 90 total - Pro target 450k)

This design consists of several short straight lines and individual pegs that follow the honeycomb pattern in the picture. There may be problems here in getting to some of the lower pegs as there are a lot of barriers to break through first.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 464,420 
  • Almost identical to the previous go. It looked highly dubious after a few balls, but then one or two big unexpected bonuses were earned, and suddenly it was within sight.

    It took five more attempts to get another pro score for the video, although the second attempt missed out by less than 2k! When I did eventually get it, I did it with a ball or two to spare, so I got a score of 523,950.

Level 3 (Clear 25 red pegs from 115 total - Pro target 550k)

A design consisting of some six sided shapes, although they're a bit curvy to be hexagons. They look more like spider webs.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 326,450
  • Three red pegs left at the end, all in a cluster in the bottom right. Quite a long way short of the pro target, too.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 581,770 
  • Another one that was looking pretty doubtful until the last few balls. I was down to 2 balls with several red pegs left, when two balls on the trot both earned me an extra ball, and then fell into the bucket. Suddenly, now with four balls left, it all looked a lot more rosy.

    I got it again at the next attempt for the video. I was looking a little doubtful towards the end. I was running out of balls, and although the red pegs were disappearing, I wasn't sure they were going quickly enough, and I was wondering where the points were going to come from. But a couple of useful bonuses at the end, and avoiding the 10k bucket at the end got me there for a score of 557,410.

Level 4 (Clear 25 red pegs from 86 total - Pro target 400k)

This design is composed of lots of hexagons. Some are empty, with borders made of pegs, others are solid and impenetrable. With so many solid wall to bounce off, there are lots of rebound bonuses available, but it's going to be tricky to get some of lower pegs.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 366,770
  • One red peg left which I probably could have got if I hadn't wasted four balls right at the end which hit nothing, just trying to get a rebound. Silly, because I was close enough to the target to get there if I'd still had those balls left at the end.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 415,210
  • One red peg left again, and I was struggling to find an angle to get it with.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 574,680 
  • Got it that time. I got lucky with quite a few catches. I finished in 12 shots, but I still had about half a dozen balls in hand at the end. Plus the ball dropped into the 100k bonus, hence the high score.

    On the next attempt for the video, I got even luckier with the catches. Everything was going in the bucket! I still had nine balls left when I got down to the last red peg, and that was right at the top in plain view. I could use my spare balls to pick off the remaining blue pegs and take a total clearance with balls to spare, scoring 709,340.

Level 5 (Clear 25 red pegs from 116 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 575k)

This design is of a couple of drooping flowers. There are quite a few pegs here, and I suspect catches might be tricky as balls may well have a tendency to be funnelled down the middle.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 382,970
  • Finished off the left hand flower completely, but still had most of the other intact. Not very close really.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 782,680 
  • Used the laser ball this time, and had it won with several balls to go. I kept going to the last ball just for the hell of it, but, yes, the laser ball made it quite straightforward.

    Even with the laser ball, it took a couple more attempts to get it again for the video. When I did get it, it was only just. I scored 670,570, but an unexpected 100k final bonus boosted it a bit.

Level 6 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 75 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 675k)

The same design as level 1, but this time everything needs clearing.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 447,400
  • Four pegs left at the end. Not enough catches early on, I would say. Probably could have done better with the laser as well.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 542,800
  • A better score due to some big scoring early balls, but only 87% clearance, so lots of pegs left at the end.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 231,860
  • The trampoline was of no real help. 12 shots so only 3 catches, which is nowhere near enough, and only 85% clearance this time. Dreadful.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 1,067,950 
  • A much better effort. The balls I shot just seemed to ricochet around that little bit more, taking out more pegs each. There weren't that many pegs left by the time I got to the grenade ball, and afterwards I still had 9 balls left, and only about 20 pegs. Plain sailing from there.

    I got a complete clearance with the next attempt for the video, using the same power ups. I scored 843,130.

Level 7 (Score 500k with 35 red pegs and 80 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 775k)

The same design as level 3. A bigger pro target and one less ball. I'll start with the laser which ought to be enough.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 396,090
  • It took way too long to get to the laser ball, and I amde only 3 catches all the way through which just isn't enough.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 383,820
  • Again, it took most of my balls to get through to the yellow peg. I need to catch a break and get the yellow peg easily accessible.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 956,950 
  • The yellow peg wasn't in clear view, but I managed to find a route through to it on the first ball. I could then get a proper score (350k+) with the laser ball, and thereafter it was never in doubt. I was trying for the total clearance, just for the hell of it, but finished one peg short.

    It took me another six attempts to get it again for the video. I eventually scored 818,520 but I couldn't even clear the red pegs, let alone the blues as well.

Level 8 (Clear ALL pegs - 30 red and 60 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 625k)

The same design as level 2, but all pegs now required.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 306,750
  • Eight pegs left. I thought I had a chance at the clearance by picking off one peg at a time, but not really at the pro target. It wasn't to be anyway. Again, it tooktoo many balls to get to the yellow peg.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 502,980
  • A very similar go to the previous one. I lost about 5 balls trying to get through to the yellow peg, therefore didn't score enough with it when I got it, due to the shortage of available pegs. Then it was just a matter of picking off the remaining pegs one at a time and hoping for a big bonus at the end. Realistically, I would have needed a maximum 200k to make the target, and I only got 60k.

Level 9 (Score 650k with 35 red pegs and 81 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 850k)

The same design as level 5, but a score target this time. I did hit this target on the second attempt last time, but I got nowhere near the pro target so I'll use the laser ball from the off.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 570,720
  • Quite a way short. It took too long to get through to the yellow peg really. I didn't earn enough from it, and clearly in this level I'll need all the points I can get.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 800,940
  • Rather stupidly took the last red peg still with half a dozen blue pegs left, forgetting that that would end the game. The ball dropped automatically into the 50k bucket and left me 50k short. Annoying.

Level 10 (Clear 25 red pegs from 86 total, with only 5 balls and with a 3s shot-clock - Pro target 575k)

The same design as level 4, but a very short shot clock and hardly any balls make this a very difficult level to beat, let alone hit the pro target. I remember this first time around and it took me a lot of attempts to beat it. Power ups aren't as helpful as they usually are, because of all the solid areas, but there's no point even attempting it without them.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 203,090
  • Two or three red pegs left at the end, but nowhere near the pro target. This one needs a big slice of luck to get through.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 183,500
  • No catches so ran out of balls before I'd hardly got started.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 78,980
  • I couldn't get through to the laser ball trigger peg, so this was a non-starter.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 308,190
  • I should have at least completed it that time - I had a clear shot at the last two red pegs, but still managed to miss one of them. Not that I was anywhere near the pro target of course. I'm yet to find a reliable path for the laser ball.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 245,230
  • Only one catch made, and I got nothing from the gravity ball at all.

Attempt #6 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 125,040
  • No catches at all, and took too long to activate the laser ball.

Attempt #7 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 431,600
  • Well I cleared the red pegs at least. My best score yet, but still nearly 150k short of the pro target. It completes the board and allows me to go back and finish off the pro scores I missed, which was just the last three levels.

Level 8 (Clear ALL pegs - 30 red and 60 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 625k) - continued

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 429,760
  • One red peg left, but well short of the target. I think I'll add a grenade.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 488,310
  • That one was looking good, but I messed up the end.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 486,590
  • Just as before, that was looking OK, but just missed about three attempted catches on the trot and ran out of balls.

Attempt #6 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 564,730
  • Three pegs left at the end, went for a thin snick into the bucket and missed it altogether.

Attempt #7 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 216,060
  • Only 86% clearance, and a dreadful score. The yellow peg was right down the bottom and it took far too long to get to it, and that always makes for a low score.

Attempt #8 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 313,040
  • Only a 79% clearance that time. There are just too many pegs all in each others way, and none of them are aligned the same way making deflections impossible to second guess.

Attempt #9 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 438,240
  • Just two pegs left that time. But with still nearly 200k still to score, even if I'd cleared them, I would have needed a lot of luck with the final bonuses.

Attempt #10 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 429,350
  • 91% clearance which equates to about 8 pegs left.

Attempt #11 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 157,970
  • The same clearance as the previous go, but the points just didn't come this time. The laser ball seemed to take out an average number of pegs, but scored hardly anything.

Attempt #12 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 843,780 
  • Finally. I got that bit of luck that I'd been missing. The laser ball worked excellently - I got a good first bounce, then got a perfect second bounce off the bucket rim to send it back across the screen taking out a bunch of low pegs. It earned me about 350k and cleared a lot of pegs. I took out another cluster with the grenade, and then it was just a matter of mopping up with the remaing balls.

    Much to my surprise, I got it again at the next attempt for the video. It looked as if I was going to fall short, but I managed to pick up enough catches and bonuses in the endgame to edge home with 629,220.

Level 9 (Score 650k with 35 red pegs and 81 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 850k) - continued

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 587,520
  • There are a lot of blue pegs that rather get in the way here, plus I had to clear quite a lot of pegs before I could activate the laser ball which had a detrimental effect on the score I then got for it.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball. Score: 1,112,390 
  • Much better that time. The laser ball took out more pegs, and better pegs as well. What was left afterwards was much easier to work with in terms of picking up bonuses.

    It took me another seven attempts to reach the pro target again for the video, just missing out by less than 50k several times, but when I got it - I obliterated it completely. I took a total clearance for a colossal 1,299,330.

Level 10 (Clear 25 red pegs from 86 total, with only 5 balls and with a 3s shot-clock - Pro target 575k) - continued

Attempt #8 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 471,210
  • That one actually looked quite promising for a bit. The last peg was awkwardly placed, unfortunately, and I couldn't find a route through to it. If I'd hit it, it was low and central, so I had a chance at the 100k bucket which would have been just enough. Certainly the closest yet.

Attempt #9 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 192,480
  • Not particularly close. I still had about 4 reds left down the bottom.

Attempt #10 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 524,680
  • Ooooh! That was close. I caught practically every ball. I only took 5 shots to clear the reds and still had 7 balls left at the end. I didn't actually want to take the last red peg at the end, as I could probably have earned enough bonuses with all those balls in hand to make the pro score. As it was the final ball looked like it was going to drop in the 100k bucket, but managed to find it's way all the way out to the 10k one.

Attempt #11 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 191,400
  • Three reds left at the end. It never looked likely.

Attempt #12 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 200,190
  • Six reds left that time. All the balls seemed to be avoiding the reds and htting all the blues.

Attempt #13 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 167,950
  • I need to try and find a good high-scoring path for the laser ball. There must be one somewhere. It means I might get a few goes like this one where I don't score many points due to experimentation. I never managed to trigger the gravity ball which didn't help the score none.

Attempt #14 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 166,150
  • I triggered the gravity ball that time, but only with the very last ball, so I never got the chance to fire it. Wasted the laser ball as the clock ran out while I was still thinking about where to send it.

Attempt #15 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 160,160
  • 10 red pegs left, having messed up the laser ball again, due to the shot clock.

Attempt #16 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 360,960
  • 2 red pegs left that time, and a 91% clearance. It was a decent effort, and I found a pretty good route for the laser that took out a good chunk of the right hand side.

Attempt #17 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 440,170
  • A rare success as I cleared all the red pegs, but I was well short on the score. I was still 135k short, and that was despite picking up the maximum 100k bonus at the end.

Attempt #18 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 286,510
  • 3 red pegs left.

Attempt #19 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 566,780
  • Aaaaaaagh! I really thought I had it that time. But finished just under 9k short. Gutted!

Attempt #20 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 271,840
  • But to normal again. Two red pegs left which I probably could have got with the last ball, but with the score as low as it was there didn't seem much point.

Attempt #21 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 152,810
  • Dreadful. About 6 red pegs left, and lots of blue (only 69% clearance) and a score less than a third of that required. No catches made at all.

Attempt #22 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 178,580
  • Not much better than the last attempt. Only 60% clearance that time, and a single catch made.

Attempt #23 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 340,030
  • An unexpected success, but over 200k short of the pro target, despite hitting the 100k bonus bucket at the end.

Attempt #24 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 337,240
  • I need to find a good path for the laser ball. Every path I try seems to ricochet around hitting lots of walls and not many pegs. If I can find a reliably high-scoring route for it then it would boost my score considerably.

Attempt #25 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 222,380
  • One red peg left, but this level is more about the score than the red pegs.

Attempt #26 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 236,160
  • Lots of red pegs left that time. The score was OK, but I lacked catches that time.

Attempt #27 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 220,800
  • There's got to be a good path for the laser ball, but I haven't found it yet.

Attempt #28 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 184,630
  • Terrible.

Attempt #29 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 394,490
  • Only 1 red and 1 blue peg left at the end. The red was in plain view, but I had to go for the total clearance in the hope of a 200k final bonus.

Attempt #30 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 333,660
  • Again I had to pass on the final red peg and go for a bigger score.

Attempt #31 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 421,350
  • Closer that time. But not particularly close.

Attempt #32 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 482,920
  • Cleared all the red pegs and nearly all the blue ones. Hit the 100k bonus bucket at the end and still finished over 90k short. This is by far and away the hardest of all the levels I've blogged so far, and possibly the hardest of all 860 that I've played in total.

Attempt #33 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 234,810
  • Got a better route for the laser ball that time, but the rest of it was a bit of a mess. I've tried switching to the Big Bounce in an attempt to try something different.

Attempt #34 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 139,550
  • Still six red pegs left at the end. I caught one ball, but didn't earn enough bonuses.

Attempt #35 - Laser Ball & Big Bounce. Score: 302,260
  • Made a lot more catches, but it did me no good as half of them hadn't actually hit any pegs anyway. I'm getting closer to the best line for the laser ball, but I'm not quite there yet.

Attempt #36 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 332,680
  • A much better attempt. I stretched it out to 12 balls, so 7 catches in total. Plus a 95% clearance meant I only had about 3 pegs left at the end, including just one red. I messed up the laser ball though which is probably why my score was still nearly 150k short of the target. I switched back to the Gravity Ball, which I definitely think is better suited to this level.

Attempt #37 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 147,000
  • I never even got to the green peg that time. So a pretty dreadful effort in short.

Attempt #38 - Laser Ball & Gravity Ball. Score: 660,770 
  • Finally! Nailed the laser ball that time. Made 8 catches, and generally got very lucky! I thought I was in trouble when the last peg looked in an ungettable position, but I managed to find an angle from somewhere. I was one peg short of a total clearance, but I'm not bothered about that.



Thursday, October 18, 2012

Board 68: Unicorn Armada

The picture is of a ship sailing in the middle of an armada. It has a unicorn figurehead. There is also an enormous bell in the background hanging between two towers on adjacent mountain tops.

Level 1 (Clear 25 red pegs from 91 total - Pro target 525k)

Lots of curves. The follow the edges of the sails, with some more at the bottom like a rough sea. Plus a load of indivudual round pegs.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 328,140
  • Still had one red peg left at the end. But I was still about 200k short of the pro target so there was quite a bit of work left to do.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 565,120
  • Managed to scrape together enough points from rebounds and slides to achieve the pro target. There have been easier first levels, but there have been harder ones too.

Level 2 (Clear 25 red pegs from 114 total - Pro target 450k)

We have a big thick cross filled with individual pegs both round and diamond. There should be some good opportunities for rebounds here, as long as I can clear the pegs near the firing point.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 456,510
  • I tried to leave a red peg untouched until I'd accumulated enough points, but I caught an unexpected rebound. Luckily, I picked up a decent bonus and had just enough balls left to give me the points I needed to scrape in.

Level 3 (Clear 25 red pegs from 96 total - Pro target 475k)

A design based on the picture. There are lots of straight lines, curves, individual pegs, a bit of everything. It's hard to know how these levels are going to pan out.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 294,160
  • Only 14 shots, so not enough catches made. Ran out of balls before I finished clearing the reds.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 438,170
  • Only took one more shot than last time, but got much closer. Just one red peg left which I couldn't quite get through to. The score was on target too.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 582,280
  • Got it that time. Up to 21 shots, and those extra catches made all the difference.

Level 4 (Clear 25 red pegs from 119 total - Pro target 450k)

This design is based on the bell in the distance, suspended between the two towers. There's quite a few vertical and near vertical pegs near the side walls which are good for deflections, so there could be some promise here.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 431,060
  • I had most of the design cleared apart from the two curves that made up the very bottom of the bell. But I ran out of balls before I could decide how to tackle it.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 347,120
  • Catches seemed much harder to come by that time, so I failed with only 65% of the level cleared after 13 shots. Not a very good attempt. I'll have another go before I resort to a power up.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 421,310
  • I really should have had that one, but I blew it with a careless final shot. With one red peg left and only about 35k needed, I thought I'd take it off the side wall for a guaranteed pro finish, but I missed it.

Attempt #4 - No power ups. Score: 403,770
  • I felt I had a chance at the pro score there, but an unexpected deflection took out the last three reds all at once, when I could possibly have gone on to pick up a couple more bonuses first.

Level 5 (Score 400k with 35 red pegs and 56 blue - Pro target 675k)

The same design as level 1, although it's unusual for a design to be repeated so soon. The target score shouldn't be a problem, but the pro score might be.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 560,940
  • As I thought, the basic target was easy to reach, but the pro score a lot harder. I still had quite a few red pegs left at the end, so some more catches and I might have got there.

Level 6 (Clear 25 red pegs from 118 total - Pro target 525k)

A crow's nest design with a lot of pegs meshed very closely together. I'll try it without a power up first, but both the laser and the grenade would probably work well here.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 237,240
  • Not a very good attempt, that one. Far too many careless shots and not enough catches.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 305,250
  • An even worse attempt than the last one. The yellow peg took a long time to get to, then I didn't do much with it, managing to avoid the biggest concentration of pegs. I tried to bide my time to pick off purple rebounds, but kept misjudging them.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 608,440
  • Took no chances that time, and opted for both the laser and grenade balls, both of which work well on levels like this where lots of pegs are condensed into a small area. I did much better with the laser this time, and it never really looked in doubt from then on.

Level 7 (Clear 35 red pegs from 114 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 575k)

The same design as level 2. It didn't prove too tricky then, so I'll try without power ups first.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 477,490
  • I was short on score and trying to build it up with rebounds and catches when I ran out of balls. I think it's worth one more try without power ups.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 495,720
  • Close again, but not quite there. Again I ran out of balls while trying to add a few more points. Only two red pegs left which I probably could have taken with a single ball, but I couldn't guarantee where the ball would fall afterwards.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 331,400
  • Not very close that time. It's time to give up and try the laser ball.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball. Score: 853,800
  • No problems with the laser ball. Although I'm not sure that it actually made that much difference. By and large I just got lucky. I picked up a lot more fortunate catches. I got the split ball off the white peg and both balls fell in the bucket for the 100k bonus. That sort of thing. I got a total clearance which I probably wouldn't have got without the laser, but I suspect I would have done enough to get the pro score.

Level 8 (Clear 35 red pegs from 119 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 700k)

The same design as level 4, but a few more red pegs and one less ball. The pro target is quite a lot higher though, so I'll start with the laser ball.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 811,690
  • It took a while to get through to the yellow peg, but once I had, it didn't really look in doubt. It was just a matter of building my score high enough. I always seemed to have plenty of balls in hand.

Level 9 (Clear 35 red pegs from 118 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 650k)

The same design as level 6, but just like the last level, this one has a few more red pegs, one less ball, and a higher pro target. For level 6 I ended up using double power ups to through it, so I think I'll do the same here.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 485,200
  • One red peg left at the end, but it never felt a very satisfactory attempt. The power ups could both have worked better, and indeed their trigger pegs could both have been positioned better.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 480,940
  • Still about 6 red pegs left at the end. It's very difficult to break into the heart of the pegs as they're so densely packed together.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 236,730
  • The yellow peg was completely unaccessible right down the bottom, and was still there at the end. Even when I finally broke through to the grenade ball trigger, I still couldn't trigger the laser.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 684,650
  • Managed it that time, but only just. It took a while to break through to the yellow peg. But when I had, a lot of the left hand side had gone, so I concentrated the laser ball on the right hand side. Then I made a complete mess of the grenade, but still managed to pick off enough bonuses towards the end to scrape a pro target. It needed a total clearance though.

Level 10 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 71 blue - Pro target 750k)

The same design as level 3, but all pegs are needed.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 335,060
  • Only 83% clearance. I struggled to get through to the yellow peg, didn't do very well with the laser once I'd got it, and hardly made any catches. Generally dreadful effort all round.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 1,058,420
  • The yellow peg was available straight away, and I did much better with the laser ball. Lots of catches later, I had reached and passed the pro target. In fact, everything that went wrong on the last go went right this time.

Level 4 (Clear 25 red pegs from 119 total - Pro target 450k)

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball. Score: 423,590
  • Still 5 red pegs left at the end. It took too many balls to get through to the yellow peg.

Attempt #6 - Laser Ball. Score: 697,400
  • Again, it took a long time to get through to the yellow peg, but I made a lot more catches so was able to fire a lot more balls. I finished with an enormous bonus of about 230k which I'm still not sure I how got.

Level 5 (Score 400k with 35 red pegs and 56 blue - Pro target 675k)

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 462,070
  • I was trying for the total clearance to boost my score, but missed by two pegs.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 771,290
  • Triggered the laser ball at the first attempt. Luck was generally with me as I seemed to pick up quite a lot of unexpected bonuses and bucket catches. Hit the pro target quite easily and finished with balls to spare.



Monday, October 15, 2012

Board 81: Hogs Wallow

This week's picture is based on the fairy tale of the Three Little Pigs. We have a small brick cottage with a wolf coming down the path towards it. We can also see the edges of a cottage made of wood, and another made of straw.

Level 1 (Clear 25 red pegs from 91 total - Pro target 500k)

This design features several curves that follow the roof lines in the picture, and a lot of individual round pegs. 500k seems like it might be a little high as a pro target.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 373,940
  • One red peg left, which I could have got, but I needed to build my score up a little more. Getting the pegs didn't seem to be a problem, just getting enough points for the pro target.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 344,510
  • Four red pegs left that time. Only 12 shots, so not enough catches made.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 180,700
  • Three red pegs left, but didn't make a single catch, hence the dreadful score. One more go before I turn to the laser.

Attempt #4 - No power ups. Score: 275,380
  • Only 14 shots which equates to four catches. This is a tricky level as it turns out as all the pegs seem to get in each other's way and judging catches is nigh on impossible. It pains me to have to resort to power ups on level 1, but sometimes it's just easier.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball. Score: 512,630 
  • It was touch and go even with the laser ball, to be honest. I was still struggling to make catches at the end. I should have made a total clearance, considering I was down to 11 pegs with 6 balls left. But I just couldn't judge the catches and ended up scraping home still with two or three blue pegs left.

    Coming back to do the video, I thought I might find the catches a little easier, but I still struggled. I caught the laser ball, and one other. I did well with ricochets and bonuses though, and cleared the reds with a score of 544,460.

Level 2 (Clear 35 red pegs from 70 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 475k)

This design is an arrangement of striaght lines and curves that is clearly supposed to represent something, but I have no idea what. The angles look a lot easier to work with than the previous level, although there are more red pegs and fewer balls.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 713,750 
  • Yes, this level was much easier than the previous one. Ended up taking a pretty straightforward total clearance to easily surpass the pro target.

    I found this harder coming back to do a video. It took me two attempts, and when I got it it wasn't by much, despite another total clearance. I got 547,300.

Level 3 (Clear 25 red pegs from 85 total - Pro target 475k)

This design is a cute cartoon-style picture of a pig. There are lots of good curves here, but it's not clear how easy they'll be to get at.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 579,560 
  • I managed to pick up enough curves and other bonuses to make it to the pro target before I took the last red peg with my last ball. I picked up a 100k bonus at the end which boosted my final score somewhat.

    I missed out on my next attempt for the video, but I got it on the attempt after. I didn't get it by much though, only scoring 534,570.

Level 4 (Clear 25 red pegs from 126 total - Pro target 525k)

A design featuring 3 curly pig tails, plus some loose round pegs at the bottom. There's a lot of pegs here, and a lot of odd angles. I suspect catches are going to be hard to come by.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 176,680
  • As I suspected, catches are very difficult to judge, and all those blue pegs really get in the way. I do think the laser ball will help a lot though, so I'll go with that next.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 786,810 
  • The laser ball made it quite straightforward. The yellow peg was awkwardly placed amongst the loose pegs down the bottom, and it took me a few balls to get through to it, but once I had, the laser ball wiped out a big chunk of the curls, added a big heap of points, and a couple of extra balls. Then it was just a matter of picking off the few red pegs that remained.

    On the next attempt for the video I forgot to add the laser ball, so that was a non-starter. But the next attempt with the laser ball, I found it simple enough, scoring 675,870.

Level 5 (Clear 20 red pegs from 90 total - Pro target 400k)

This is an interesting design, with all the pegs over on the right hand side. There is a vortex on the lower left which teleports balls to the top right. Not that many pegs, but they're packed quite tightly together. A low pro target would seem to indicate that points might be tricky to get hold of. A laser ball would probably work well here, but I'll try it without first.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 556,270 
  • This was actually easier than I expected. By firing a ball as high to the right as I could, I managed to get it to slide all the way down the diagonal, taking out two complete lines of pegs as it did. Rebounds of the top diagonal were quite easy to judge, and I had a simple deflection into the 100k bonus to finish.

    When I tried again for the video, I employed the same tactic with the first ball as before. I didn't quite take out the whole bottom two lines, but I certainly got most of them. After that, I found the angles, on the whole, very easy to judge and I took a total clearance with about four balls to spare and a score of 754,670.

Level 6 (Score 500k with 35 red pegs and 50 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 800k)

The same cartoon pig design as level 3, with a whopping 800k pro target. I'll use the laser ball, but I might struggle to reach the target even with that.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 493,510
  • The yellow peg was a real struggle to get to. By the time I did there weren't many pegs left to aim at. As a result, I didn't score many points with it and finished a long way short of the pro target. In fact I didn't even quite make the regular target, despite only having three pegs left at the end. Hopefully, the yellow peg will be easier to get at next time.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 461,400
  • The yellow peg was in an almost identical place to last time - on the right side of the face, just under the ear. So again it took ages to get to it. Although, the laser ball then hit a bizarre glitch which I haven't seen before. Near the start of its arc it hit the white peg and paused while it determined the outcome. Then the laser ball appeared to bounce off the next peg and drop straight off the bottom of the screen. Needless to say, I had no hope after that. I hope that isn't going to start happening regularly.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 388,890
  • The yellow peg was a little easier to get to this time, but I made a mess of it. Finding a couple of good early balls could make a difference here.

Attempt #4 - Laser Ball. Score: 627,060
  • I got the yellow peg straight away this time, and that certainly helped build a bigger score. I was still some way away from the pro target.

Level 7 (Clear ALL pegs - 35 red and 35 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 650k)

The same design as level 2. I managed to get a total clearance last time with a score above this pro target, so I'll tryh without a power up to start with.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 403,020
  • The score didn't build up quite as well as it did last time. I still had three pegs left at the end, but I was struggling to manufacture the extra points I needed.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 389,680
  • Nowhere near with the score again, I guess my only attempt at level 2 was a fluke. At least I completed the clearance this time.

Level 8 (Clear 40 red pegs from 126 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 800k)

The same design as level 4. I'll go straight for the laser ball as that worked well last time out.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 714,410
  • Still one red peg left at the end which was a bit hidden by blues. A good first effort.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 859,440 
  • I was in trouble towards the end with only one ball left, and still two red pegs both of which were hidden by blues. I put a speculative shot into the middle of all the blues and got lucky. It cleared the way to both red pegs, earned an extra ball and then dropped in the bucket. So I then had two balls left and both red pegs in plain sight giving an easy finish.

    On the next attempt for the video, it took quite a few shots to get to the yellow peg for not many points. I managed to rescue it, though, with a highly productive laser ball. I then made enough subsequent catches to get to the pro target.

Level 9 (Clear ALL pegs - 35 red and 56 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 725k)

The same design as level 1, but now needing a complete clearance. I struggled with this layout before, and I have plenty of coins, so I think I'll go straight for the laser ball, with the view to add another if that isn't enough.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 933,940 
  • The laser ball was enough on its own. I probably had some luck along the way, but I managed to take out pretty much all the rooftop lines with the laser ball for a big bonus. Then it was just a matter of picking off individual pegs and trying to catch at least half the balls so I didn't run out towards the end. As it was I had to take the last three pegs with only one ball.

    On the next attempt for the video, I managed to pro score it again. I had to take out the final seven pegs with the last ball this time, but the catches weren't too tricky.

Level 10 (Clear 30 red pegs from 90 total, with only 8 balls and with a 4s shot-clock - Pro target 500k)

The same one-sided design as level 5, but with a 4 second shot clock. Four seconds doesn't quite give the bucket time to make a complete side-to-side pass so this can make catches tricky. I didn't need a power up to do this last time, but I think it might be a bit adventurous to try it without this time.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 557,140 
  • I used the same first ball as last time to wipe out the bottom two diagonal lines completely. It got me lots of points and cleared a lot of pegs, including the yellow one. I misjudged the laser ball, only catching the edge of the bucket on the first bounce, but this actually worked in my favour. The ball flew low across the screen, straight into the teleport, then across the screen again from the top corner and into the bucket, and it took out a reasonable number of pegs on the way. After this, it was just mopping up.

    It took a couple more attempts to get it again for the video. But the catches really aren't hard here, so I probably should have got it in one. I scored 617,230.

Attempt #5 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 662,530
  • Short on score again. I needed the total clearance, but left one blue peg behind. Although I don't think, even with that, that I would have made it.

Attempt #6 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 496,040
  • That didn't work so well. It took too long to get to the laser ball, and I couldn't get much for it. I still had quite a few pegs left at the end.

Attempt #7 - Laser Ball & Grenade Ball. Score: 822,320 
  • I thought I'd messed it up again, as a couple of the early balls didn't go as well as they could have, but I did well with the laser ball, did enough with the grenade, and made up the difference by making some catches towards the end.

    On the next attempt for the video, I did plenty of damage with the power ups, and took a total clearance for 907,400.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 820,710 
  • I hadn't tried this layout with a laser ball, and I suspected that using one would lessen the difficulty a lot. Well, it did. The laser ball took out a big chunk of pegs, and although it didn't earn me a vast number of points, it cleared enough space for me to be able to make quite a few subsequent catches for extra bonuses. I was soon in the position of needing only 7 pegs off the last 6 balls, with less than 100k left to score. And that completes the Ace for board 81.

    It took another three attempts to get it again for the video. I took a total clearance in all three games, but only managed a pro score in the third one. I eventually made 769,870.



Friday, October 12, 2012

Board 69: Parched Desert

The picture shows a cracked and dry desert landscape stretching into the distance.

Level 1 (Clear 25 red pegs from 100 total - Pro target 550k)

Some concentric circles in the top left where the sun is, a curved line for the horizon, and loose pegs beneath. It doesn't look the easiest of starting levels, but we'll see.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 429,000
  • I could have finished that, as I had the last red peg available for several shots, but I wanted the pro score so I was trying to build my score off the remaining blues.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 698,500
  • Found a good first ball that time to knock a hole in the right hand side of the sun that went on to take out most of the horizon line for a big bonus. I enlarged the hole slightly with the second ball, then I could shoot the third ball round the loop of the sun for another big bonus. I still had to make quite a few catches to reach the pro target, although a 100k bonus at the end boosted my score more than I needed.

Level 2 (Clear 25 red pegs from 103 total - Pro target 575k)

We have what are presumably three snakes flanked by some curvy lines which might be grass, altough no grass is apparent in the picture. Still, we have lots of curves to work with which may make scoring bonuses easier.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 275,010
  • Five red pegs left at the end. I only made one bucket catch, which wouldn't generally be considered enough to get through any level. There are some early bonuses available, but the pegs soon become disconnected and the level is then full of odd angles, making catches tricky to come by.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 356,520
  • Three red pegs left that time. A lot more catches that time, as the game ran to 21 shots, but not much closer to the pro target.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 791,640
  • Much easier with the laser ball. It took out a lot of pegs ans earned a lot of points. I went on to make a total clearance just for the hell of it.

Level 3 (Clear 25 red pegs from 88 total - Pro target 525k)

This design features a circle for the sun, a bunch of horizontal lines to each side, three short angled lines, and an arc of single round pegs. Horizontal lines, close together like these can be awkward to get into, so there may be problems here.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 310,202
  • A couple of red pegs left at the end as I was still trying to build a score. It might be useful to clear one side first, as it would probably make catches easier off the other side.

Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 288,590
  • I concentrated on trying to take out one side first, but it took too many balls to do it. By the time I had, I didn't have enough left to finish the level. Plus the score wasn't high enough.

Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 349,480
  • Very similar story to the last attempt. I tried to take out one side first, but ran out of balls still with quite a few pegs left.

Attempt #4 - No power ups. Score: 173,230
  • That one went wrong from the word go. I normally manage to take out the sun in a few balls, but made a mess of it this time. One more go before I resort to power ups.

Attempt #5 - No power ups. Score: 664,530
  • Tried to attack it with massive patience that time by constantly firing the ball straight into the bucket until the purple peg was in the right place, then take a careful glance off its leading edge into the bucket. This was working great until I made a silly mistake right at the end. I had cleared all but four pegs, thought I could see a way of taking out two at once and made a mess of it. It was my 63rd shot which may well be a personal record for a single game.

Attempt #6 - No power ups. Score: 304,220
  • Cleared the right hand side, but still had lots of pegs left on the left when I ran out of balls. It's undoubtedly possible without a power up, but I think the time has come to give up and use one.

Attempt #7 - Laser Ball. Score: 318,930
  • The laser ball seemed to get rid of all the wrong pegs, leaving a really awkward selection for gauging rebounds. As a result there was no real improvement on previous goes.

Attempt #8 - Laser Ball. Score: 574,800
  • A bit better this time. I concentrated on taking out the sun before I worried about the yellow peg, which I didn't do last time. This left me with a much better selection of pegs after the laser. Good enough to make the total clearance and reach the pro target.

Level 4 (Clear 25 red pegs from 93 total - Pro target 500k)

This design is that of a lizard. This provides lots of curves, but also lots of odd angles.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 691,960
  • It didn't look particularly promising half way through, but it got better as it went on. I got some decent bounces and fortunate rebounds.

Level 5 (Clear 25 red pegs from 99 total - Pro target 475k)

This design consists of a number of jagged interconnecting lines, reminiscent of crazy paving. These lines look like they'll make this a tricky level. I'll give it a go without power ups first but I imagine I'll be turning to them soon enough.

Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 213,240
  • Lots of tricky angles makes for a difficult level. I'll go straight for the laser ball.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 549,220
  • Once the laser ball had removed a good chunk of the pegs. The angles were easier to judge and it was easy enough to make rebounds until the pro target was reached.

Level 6 (Score 475k with 40 red pegs and 63 blue - Pro target 775k)

The same design as level 2, which I only got past by using a laser ball, so I'll do the same here.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 676,560
  • The last three pegs were all in a U-shape in the middle at the bottom of the screen, so I tried to take them all out together with my final shot. However the ball skipped over the middle one, so I missed the 100% clearance by a single peg.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 731,750
  • I thought I'd have another try before I moved on. I got closer, but not quite there. I cleared all the red pegs that time, but not quite all the blue ones. I only got a 10k bonus at the end, but even a 50k wouldn't quite have been enough.

Level 7 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 75 blue - Pro target 700k)

The same design as level 1, but a total clearance is needed this time.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 743,800
  • I remembered the first shot that worked so well on level 1, and concentrated on the sun first. I didn't actually activate the laser ball for several balls, which isn't normally a good idea, but this time I think it worked for the best.

Level 8 (Clear 40 red pegs from 88 total, with only 7 balls - Pro target 725k)

The same design as level 3, which I eventually resorted to the laser ball to get through. Straight for it this time.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 336,020
  • The yellow peg was buried near the bottom on the left, so it took far too long to activate. I still could probably have done it, but made a couple of clumsy attempt at catches.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 796,350
  • The yellow peg was in the sun this time, which simplified things a lot. It meant I could take out the sun first, then use the laser ball to wipe out a large chunk of the horizontal lines, then use carefully taken catches to finish off. Took the total clearance just to be sure.

Level 9 (Clear ALL pegs - 30 red and 63 blue - Pro target 800k)

The same design as level 4, but looking to clear blues as well as reds.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 703,180
  • Only 84% clearance, so not a very good attempt. Too many missed catches.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 846,820
  • Ouch! One peg left. Just missed the very last catch by a whisker. Otherwise everything was going to plan.

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 1,035,660
  • Did well with the laser ball that time, and triggered the triple score bucket for a big bonus which took a lot of the pressure off to build a big score. Very quickly got into a position where I only needed between 2 and 3 pegs per ball, and that figure kept coming down.

Level 10 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 74 blue - Pro target 625k)

The same design as level 5, but all pegs required. Clearly this will need a power up.

Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 495,850
  • Two pegs left. The score was getting there. Close, but no cigar.

Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 691,020
  • Much the same as the previous attempt, but just that little bit better. I judged the rebounds slightly better and caught a few more of them.

Level 6 (Score 475k with 40 red pegs and 63 blue - Pro target 775k)

Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 854,170
  • Got it that time with a total clearance. And that completes the Ace for this level.

