Level 1 (Clear 25 red pegs from 96 total - Pro target 500k)
We have all sorts here - a horizontal line, some vertical lines, lots of round single pegs, some diamond shaped ones, and a couple of tempting-looking curves at the bottom.
Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 688,090
- This felt like quite an easy starter. I didn't catch many to start with, but I didn't really need to. I made a few catches towards the end to boost my score a little, but I got the 100k bonus anyway.
Level 2 (Clear 30 red pegs from 88 total - Pro target 475k)
This layout is a couple of pirate hooks. This gives us a lot of curves to play with which could be quite useful. Looks quite straightforward.
Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 594,940
- Again, no real problems here. 16 shots taken, so a few catches but not many. Some of the early balls picked up slide bonus while the curves were still relatively intact.
Level 3 (Clear 35 red pegs from 79 total, with only 0 ball - Pro target 475k)
A treasure map with a massive X marking the spot, and a dotted line leading to it.
Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 360,330
- Catches proved awkward there, but I feel I could have done a lot better. I think I need to make better use of the cross than I did.
Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 611,180
- No problem that time. It's actually quite tricky to get into the cross without bouncing straight out again, but I made lots of catches towards the end, extending the game to 26 shots, and even got a total clearance.
Level 4 (Clear 30 red pegs from 96 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 450k)
This design is a close up of the items at the top of the pile in the picture. There's quite a few odd angles there that might make catches tricky.
Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 419,780
- Three red pegs left. The angles are indeed quite awkward, and it's quite difficult to break through to some of the lower pegs.
Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 403,630
- Only one red peg left that time, and both attempts so far have been within 50k of the pro target, so this is definitely possible without power ups.
Attempt #3 - No power ups. Score: 306,410
- Not so good that time, as I failed to make a single catch. Four red pegs left at the end, I think.
Attempt #4 - No power ups. Score: 549,500
- A little bit better than the previous attempts, and that was all that was needed. I didn't do anything radically different.
Level 5 (Clear 30 red pegs from 109 total, with only 9 balls - Pro target 475k)
A skull and crossbones design. Again, there are some awkward angles, plus there's a lot of depth to the design so getting through to the lower pegs could be a problem.
Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 241,120
- Four or five red pegs left at the end, but I made no catches, so that's only to be expected.
Attempt #2 - No power ups. Score: 301,830
- Three pegs left that time, and still only one catch. Maybe I'd better get the laser out.
Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 968,250
- Very easy with the laser ball. The way the pegs are arranged, I could wipe out pretty much everything except the tips of the bones with the laser. I ended up with about 7 balls to take out 3 red pegs, all of which were in plain sight, so I just tried to build a big score, even though the pro target was already passed.
Level 6 (Score 450k with 40 red pegs and 48 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 800k)
The same design as level 2 which only took one go, so I'll try it without power ups first.
Attempt #1 - No power ups. Score: 471,790
- Well, I made the pass target, but a long way short of the pro one. I still had a red peg left at the end, but I needed to keep building my score of the purple peg quite a bit more than I did.
Level 7 (Clear 45 red pegs from 79 total, with only 8 balls - Pro target 575k)
The same design as level 3. I have lots of coins in the bank, so I'll use a laser ball.
Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 715,740
- I managed to get into the cross with the first ball this time. I needed to as the yellow peg was down the bottom of it. I took out quite a few with the laser ball, and had several decent sized bonus after that from big bounces and so on. I made quite a few catches, taking 21 shots in total, and indeed made a total clearance to boot.
Level 8 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 71 blue - Pro target 700k)
The same design as level 1. I'll stick with the laser ball, as this requires a total clearance.
Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 796,700
- Pretty plain sailing. I seemed to get lucky with some of the early balls, in that they all rebounded quite a lot to take out a lot of pegs each. After the laser ball, I soon got into the position of only having 14 pegs left, and still with 10 balls to get them with.
Level 9 (Clear ALL pegs - 25 red and 71 blue - Pro target 675k)
The same design as level 4. The laser ball is working well for me so far, so I'll stick with it.
Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 422,170
- 5 pegs left at the end. It took too long to break through to the yellow peg. Levels like this need an early laser to get a good sized bonus, otherwise there are not enough pegs left for the laser to scythe through. As a result I was left taking too many chances at the end to try and get maximum bonuses.
Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 1,000,700
- That was better. I activated the laser on the second ball. Then I got lucky, and the laser took out the white peg to activate the triple score bonus. The laser scored about 120k, tripled to about 350k, plus another 175k in other bonuses, and I was practically at the pro score after only 3 balls. After that it was just a matter of clearing 25 pegs or so with the remaining 9 balls. I just made sure I took out at least 2 pegs with each ball, without worrying too much about catches, and finished with 5 or 6 balls to spare. I even topped the million points.
Level 10 (Clear 45 red pegs from 109 total, with only 6 balls - Pro target 775k)
The same design as level 5. I'll keep going with the laser as this is level 10 and likely to be tough.
Attempt #1 - Laser Ball. Score: 919,460
- Got lucky again by triggering the split ball during the laser ball which gave my score a massive boost. Not much left to do after that.
Level 6 (Score 450k with 40 red pegs and 48 blue, with only 9 balls - Pro target 800k)
Attempt #2 - Laser Ball. Score: 628,900
- I spent way too long trying to activate the yellow peg. I could have got to it earlier but got tempted by some obvious red pegs near the side wall for rebound bonuses. This was a mistake.
Attempt #3 - Laser Ball. Score: 856,450
- It still took three balls to get to the yellow peg, but I did better with it this time. Then I took a good number of rebound catches, and made a total clearance.
Level | Reds | Pegs | Target | Balls | Clock | Pro | Attempts | Record | Average | Video |
1 | 25 | 96 | Reds | 10 | - | 500k | 1 | 688,090 | 688,090 | |
2 | 30 | 88 | Reds | 10 | - | 475k | 1 | 594,940 | 594,940 | |
3 | 35 | 79 | Reds | 9 | - | 475k | 2 | 611,180 | 485,755 | |
4 | 30 | 96 | Reds | 9 | - | 450k | 4 | 549,500 | 419,830 | |
5 | 30 | 109 | Reds | 9 | - | 475k | 3 | 968,250 | 503,733 | |
6 | 40 | 88 | 450k | 9 | - | 800k | 3 | 856,450 | 652,380 | |
7 | 45 | 79 | Reds | 8 | - | 575k | 1 | 715,740 | 715,740 | |
8 | 25 | 96 | All | 10 | - | 700k | 1 | 796,700 | 796,700 | |
9 | 25 | 96 | All | 10 | - | 675k | 2 | 1,000,700 | 711,435 | |
10 | 45 | 109 | Reds | 6 | - | 775k | 1 | 919,460 | 919,460 |
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